Jade Sylph
Posts: 1,343
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by dldracorex on Jul 25, 2016 17:47:49 GMT
> ZANE: Get ready already. > ZANE: Start flying. > ZANE: Contemplate ability to WIN SESSION. > ZANE: Arrive.
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Posts: 502
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by researcherwisemon on Jul 25, 2016 18:41:12 GMT
>ZANE: Ask Erin to just knock next time.
Post by Piono on Jul 25, 2016 21:52:16 GMT
>ZANE: Ask Erin to just knock next time.
Zane: Erin... could you please just knock next time?Erin: no promises! hehe.Dangit, you just can't stay mad at her for too long. Probably why you've been together for so long, she knows your limits and what you can calm down from how quickly. It's nice being with someone who knows you that well honestly. >ZANE: Get ready already.You walk over to your WARDROBIFIER and begin cycling through the various outfits you've alchemized throughout your various sessions. Erin: Ooh! That one's cute on you!You look down. Oh, right. THIS one. >ZANE: Examine outfit.You are currently wearing a sort of combination between a regal robe and fancy tux with some small shoulder pauldrons. The reason why you've never worn this since alchemizing it is the colors. All the visible spectrum. You accidentally stumbled across this by alchemizing a number of different SPECIAL OUTFITS together, and lo and behold, you got the GOD KING's PARTY TUXThis thing shimmers in between different colors, sometimes darker, sometimes even just a shade of grey, sometimes white or even swirling into a coherent pattern. It IS rather beautiful, but you feel like it draws TOO MUCH ATTENTION to your status as the single most powerful player in the incipisphere. But fine, it's been long enough since your last date with Erin, you'll let her choose. >ZANE: Start flying.You stand up and look at your HOT DATE, you guess the two of you are wearing somewhat matching clothes, she's wearing that 3 IN THE MORNING dress, and accompanying FLOATY SPACE ASPECT EARRINGS. Both of you are dressed to reflect your aspect. Perhaps she planned this? Oh well, that's not important right now. Erin teleports the two of you outside your HOUSE and you both set off through the session's complicated network of TRANSPORTALIZERS and GATES that will lead you the THEATER where the PLAY is being held at. >ZANE: Contemplate ability to WIN SESSION.Oh jeez, that. You... honestly have no idea how you're going to complete the session. The Space player apparently doesn't host the frog breeding once you hit a certain threshold of players, and although you've found numerous players with aspects tied to AMPHIBIANS of different forms, you haven't found the "Gatekeeper" of Frogs, which both your own powers and that of the various Seer-analogues say is the title of the person who will be host to the frog breeding apparatus. You hope that they just haven't entered yet, and that this isn't the result of SOMETHING BAD. >ZANE: Arrive.You won't arrive for a while yet. For all the pestering that you received from Erin, it's still going to require a LOT of time power abuse to get the two of you there on time. Fortunately, you're already doing that, and you and Erin are just enjoying some time TOGETHER AS A COUPLE. This does, however give the prompters the opportunity to make a few inquiries as to WHAT THE GORILLA IS GOING ON HERE.
Jade Sylph
Posts: 1,343
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by dldracorex on Jul 25, 2016 22:21:23 GMT
Post by conair on Jul 25, 2016 22:52:32 GMT
Zane: What is a gorilla in bold letters
Post by phantasmicanomaly on Jul 25, 2016 22:55:59 GMT
Zane: find out what the gorilla is happening in bold letters
*Swooshy Energy Sounds*
Posts: 502
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by researcherwisemon on Jul 26, 2016 4:44:28 GMT
>Zane: Idly wonder how many Space Players it takes to unlock Frog Breeding
Post by transformagic on Jul 26, 2016 17:51:44 GMT
(h ttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0B28UQvIvKwv7YVlOLWdWMi1pMnc) Zane: Behold Robes. Nòm Etar, Romlam Nakas: "God King, the Cloak of Enjoyment": "God King's Party Tux" This is a SPECIAL OUTFIT. All Alchemy is of the Highest Quality. It is longer than your average cloak or cape. The object is embroidered along the tail with a Band of Red. The object Menaces with Shoulder Pauldrons. On the Pauldron is an image of a Time Symbol in Red. [4x] The object is decorated with a hanging Bow tie/Tie Combo in the shape of a God Tier Clock Pendulum. The Cue Ball on the pendulum is a pocket watch. On the Watch is an image of the CURRENT TIME. On the Tie is an image of a Time Symbol in Red. The item is decorated with bands of Belt. On the Belt is an image of a Time Symbol in Red. On the item is an image of Shimmering Colors. It is currently depicting Cracks in Space, pointing out from the center in a way that draws TOO MUCH ATTENTION to the Tie and your status as the single most powerful player in the incipisphere. On the item is an image of Planepacked the Limestone Statue in Cave Spider Silk.
Post by Piono on Jul 26, 2016 18:43:30 GMT
((Oh my gosh, that is amazing transformagic, I'm linking the item to your post, even if it is just a rough sketch that you did, but that is officially how the God-king's party tux looks. Now all somebody needs to do is the hyper-complex coloring pattern. ))
>ZANE: Behold Robes.Okay, three problems with this particular prompt. First: They aren't robes. It's a party tux fashioned to look like robes. Second: This has absolutely no bearing on figuring out what's going on, you have better commands to input. Finally: You sure as heck aren't going to behold your own clothes. That's just stupid. >ZANE: WHAT THE GORILLA IS GOING ON HERE?
Hoo boy, you put it pretty bluntly, didn't you? Well, you suppose you'll try to give a bit of a broad summary so that everyone is on the same page. >ZANE: Exposit on your current locale.You are currently inside the INCIPISPHERE, but not just any INCIPISPHERE, you are in the single largest SBURB session in all of Paradox Space, with a player counter upwards of 5 Trillion, and still growing. As it turns out, SBURB isn't really meant to handle a player count that large, and a whole lot of different things have been out of whack in terms of power scale. For example, Skaia (which continues growing exponentially) is so big that it had to split out into the fourth (and maybe even fifth? You're a bit fuzzy on that point) dimension so that it could have multiple openings in different places around the Medium. You have clusters of Lands and a mini Prospit and Derse orbiting around each one, sort of like micro-sessions within the one super-session, although various transportalizers, gates, and short trips through Skaia lead to the other clusters, so the entire community is fairly interconnected in increasingly complicated ways. ===>This is part of the reason why you're going to see that PLAY. It's been... how long since you entered this session now? Two years? Everyone's been adjusting pretty well, especially since measures have been put in place to get people into the session in one piece, prototyped at least once, and not with something stupid enough to get everyone killed. Not to mention, people's Guardians have been surviving, which isn't usually a thing that happens, so that's a plus. All kinds of people have been roaming about, doing quests with one another, and generating new media... such as the PLAY you and Erin are going to. >ZANE: Explain Play's cultural significance.Oh yeah, apparently William Shakespeare is a "universal constant" of some kind. It doesn't matter what alien species you are, he's played some sort of role in the development of your culture, and there's a single play of his that every single version has written, albeit with differences due to differences in culture of the universe that he was from: Macbeth. So a bunch of people rounded up copies of the various different versions of Macbeth and decided they would write a version by combining all of them, although apparently knowledge of the thing that happens during Act 2 made them decide to change the play. That's clever, using future knowledge to write a normally completely unpredictable event into the script. You're actually kind of excited to see what they do with it... >ZANE: Stay focused.Oh, right yeah, where were you? >ZANE: Idly wonder how many Space Players it takes to unlock Frog Breeding
Well, due to Skaia's apparent total adamancy about there being no duplicate classes or aspects, there's only one player who is distinctly labeled as Space, and that's Erin here. Admittedly there are a good few others with aspects that basically do the exact same thing, but as stated before, no amount of Space Players will increase your frog breeding capabilities. Supposedly, you'll have someone enter with the title "Gatekeeper" of Frogs, and apparently they're gonna be the only ones with access to frog breeding. >ZANE: What is a gorilla in bold letters
Oh, that. That's actually a very funny, but rather short story. Basically a handful of "Law", "Code" and similar aspect players were religious types and were getting fed up with the constant swearing all over the place, and hacked into the Pesterchum network and added an auto-filter. Eventually it got brought to the attention of you and the other SESSION ADMINS, but you all thought it was so funny that you talked the White Queen into making it work in real life too. Now people have to try and come up with creative ways to curse... or just use ℯḓḟâ™Â¢âˆ‚﹩, for some reason the language of the Lesser Horrors is exempt to the whole thing. Probably because they don't have a set alphabet for the auto-censor to latch onto. ... It would appear you've still got a while before you arrive. More questions?
Post by Con Air on Jul 26, 2016 19:33:46 GMT
Gorilla in Bold Letters: Turn into an actual gorilla
Post by transformagic on Jul 26, 2016 21:55:42 GMT
Zane: List aloud or mentally the Number and Names of alien species you have encountered or heard about. Also list, if applicable, the universe each originates from, if they do not hail from the same universe as you.
Earth, in the universe of any real or hypothetical prompt suggesters, holds slightly more than 7 Billion people. It is unlikely that your session would contain more than 5 Trillion individuals without including individuals from more than one home world, or more than one version of a single home world. You would need 714+ Earths, for example.
Post by phantasmicanomaly on Jul 26, 2016 22:14:10 GMT
Zane: kiss hot date
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Posts: 502
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Post by researcherwisemon on Jul 26, 2016 23:51:37 GMT
>ZANE: Wonder about what is going to happen in Act 2.
Post by Piono on Jul 27, 2016 17:54:30 GMT
>ZANE: List aloud or mentally the Number and Names of alien species you have encountered or heard about. Also list, if applicable, the universe each originates from, if they do not hail from the same universe as you.
Oh, wow, that's a lot... If you tried to list every species you've encountered, you'd be here a good while, and even longer if you tried to list every universe. You'll just list the major ones. HUMANS come primarily from various versions of EARTH, and are the single most common players in the session, next up comes TROLLS, both from BEFORUS and ALTERNIA, as well as a smattering of other various planets, although the first two are the most prevalent. Next up are CARAPACIANS, a fact which surprised you greatly. Apparently Carapacians go on to seed most planets that have already undergone a meteopocalypse, and fairly frequently advance far enough to initiate sessions of their own. As is to be expected, they come from any given number of PLANETS without much RHYME OR REASON. Finally, the fourth most common species are the ELVES, also the only race with more fifty or so people that hails from only a single universe. Their homeworld is... VETAS you think, but their species apparently had a very large inter-stellar empire, meaning that when SBURB finally came, there were LOTS of potential players.
>ZANE: Wonder about what is going to happen in Act 2.
You actually don't have to wonder. You were there. A pair of ROGUE AGENTS with stolen RINGS burst in on the stage due to a good amount of time and space hopping as they were trying to get away from you and Erin earlier. The four of you make a mess of the stage with some potshots from the audience (yourself and a few others) before jumping back out.
>ZANE: kiss hot date
You get a MISCHIEVOUS GRIN, and lean over to kiss your HOT DATE, but before you can complete the action, she pulls you close and kisses YOU instead! How the tables have turned!
>GORILLA IN BOLD LETTERS: Turn into an actual gorilla
The CENSOR GORILLA looks at you, peeved. It doesn't have TIME to go on a proper gorilla rampage, there is at least one Gorillasprite to do that for you. Besides, it's far too busy censoring lazy cursewords. It's a full time job you know.
Post by phantasmicanomaly on Jul 27, 2016 21:32:08 GMT
Zane: think of Troll friends
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Posts: 502
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by researcherwisemon on Jul 27, 2016 23:07:25 GMT
>Zane: Arrive at Play
Post by conair on Jul 28, 2016 1:38:45 GMT
Zane: BEE-come a bee.
Jade Sylph
Posts: 1,343
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by dldracorex on Jul 28, 2016 4:47:25 GMT
Post by Piono on Jul 28, 2016 14:53:44 GMT
Okay, so here's the deal, after we finish up with the Play and a couple of small events surrounding it, we're gonna start getting into "The flashbacks" and the story will bifurcate. Basically we'll be simultaneously be running in the PAST and the PRESENT, progressing the story from the point where we are in the Medium now, while explaining the series of events that led to the UBERSESSION becoming a thing. Where's the problem? Well, there's two ways of doing this, and I want to see the opinions of the readers before I make a decision on which way to do it.
Method 1: Homestuck style. This way will semi-emulate Act 1. It will give you guys time to faff about and meet the characters, as well as give a little more control over the details of the events (there's like, 3 events that are set in stone for the backstory, and even those might be changeable under the right circumstances...) and will make it easier to sync up the stories and give the opportunity for those nifty "circumstantial simultaneity" bits that are always so cool. The only real downside I can see to this is that the pacing for the backstory will be a little slower (more in sync with the PRESENT) so you won't find out all the DIRTY SECRETS until a bit later on, and it might get a little slow at points depending on how I'm doing and whether I'm capable of keeping the story flowing or need to slow down and let some HILARIOUS ANTICS happen
Method 2: Hivebent style. You already know the characters, you're already going to meet them all in the PRESENT, and all of the events will be alluded to at the very least. If you guys want to do things the short way, I can give a summary of events and only zoom in on the most dramatic. This will give you all of plot twists in an quick fashion, giving you pretty much all the stuff from before the UBERSESSION started by like Act 3 or 4.
So now you have an OOC choice as well as IC ones.
Timeloops are a pain. You and your fellow SESSION ADMINS have put in great pains to avoid making any full-scale doomed timelines by breaking your timeloops, which is even more difficult to do thanks to the fact that not everyone in the session plans ahead like one should try to do when utilizing time travel. Also, you have to use time travel pretty excessively just to keep the session from imploding on itself due to ANTICS from not just the players, but the NPCs as well. Something about your session, and you're not 100% certain that it's the bloated size, has made both Prospit and Derse much more active in messing with the players. This means that people who aren't on guard sometimes get knifed by stray Dersite Assassins, and to prevent that from happening, all the "Time" players, or those with similar capabilities or skills are constantly using said skills. Which means LOTS of timeloops.
>ZANE: think of Troll friends
Oh jeez, that's another question with way too many answers for you to list them all in a timely fashion. There's a few that come to mind, like Korvis Tezzen and Dammra Kintyo. You have a fair few because, as stated before, there are a ton of TROLLS in the incipisphere.
>ZANE: State rank and god-tier.
You are the HEAD SESSION ADMIN, and although your god-tier is one of the ones that neither the class nor aspect are in English, it translates, approximately, to "God-King" of "Everything". In the original languages... it's even more pretentious. It may be a pretentious-sounding title, but if you were to have it in pretty much any session but this one, it would be pretty accurate. You have more advanced capabilities in almost every aspect than pretty much any class that isn't a Master Class. The problem is that you can't wear your God-tier hoodie because it's SO BRIGHT. Like, it's not just really shiny, when you god-tiered the first time you cored the primary Derse's moon. Seriously, it lets off so much light that it vaporizes things. Your secondary god-tiering left a sizable crater on the Battlefield and started massive wildfires that raged across the surface for MONTHS.
Speaking of god-tiers, you should probably explain the naming conventions; due to Skaia's previously mentioned rule of having no duplicate classes and aspects, there are tons of both. So many people have classes or aspects (quite frequently both) in languages other than Common/English (which for some reason is the most commonly spoken language in Paradox Space). When such an occasion happens, people just translate the two to the closest English word, then put quotation marks around it if they're writing. As a note, Skaia doesn't seem to have any issue with duplicate SKILLSETS, so long as the base class and aspect are different, so there are in fact a large number of "Space" players, all with nearly the exact same aspect portfolio, only having different powers because of their differing classes. This goes for most other aspects as well, aside from Frogs of course, which as far as anyone can tell, applies exclusively to the "Gatekeeper".
>ZANE: Arrive at Play
Ah, here you are. You unslow time, as a couple of other people are around you, and you and Erin move to get your tickets punched and move into the theatre. Just like any respectable venue in the Incipisphere, they have a Continuum Anchor covering the premises so people can't normally teleport or timetravel in. Come to think of it... you and the carapacians really shouldn't have been able to 'port in in the first place... Maybe first guardians can circumvent Continuum Anchors and you and Erin just followed in the wake? Who knows, it'll probably be a long time before you find out, if you find out at all that is.
>ZANE: BEE-come a bee.
Shape-shifting is not something you do at something like this. Also, having completely different glands messes with your head, so you don't really like doing it anyways.
Jade Sylph
Posts: 1,343
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by dldracorex on Jul 28, 2016 15:40:27 GMT
Option one please, but only if sometimes events happen simultaneously.
*Swooshy Energy Sounds*
Posts: 502
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by researcherwisemon on Jul 28, 2016 17:53:01 GMT
>ZANE: Enjoy Play
Given the super huge amount of players, option two may be the best bet, however... I think I want to see Option One play out :33
Post by transformagic on Jul 28, 2016 19:11:50 GMT
Secondary God-Tier? Are you multi-classing?
Post by phantasmicanomaly on Jul 28, 2016 21:14:02 GMT
Zane: watch PLAY
I'd choose option 1... But if that's too time consuming for you then... I mean its up to the you
Post by Piono on Jul 28, 2016 21:38:04 GMT
So it appears the verdict is Option 1. And to answer a couple of questions posited about it: yes, events are intended to happen simultaneously at points where I can manage it, especially at the end of acts. Also, I think option 1 will actually be easier on my schedule, as doing individual updates will be easier this way. Anyways, onwards!
That is another good question. Honestly, you haven't had time to learn all the intricacies of all the classes and aspects since THE UBERSESSION started. Basically you've been scrambling about trying to help people in the universal pursuit of NOT DYING. You don't know how much of that is your TITLE or just having such a HECTIC SESSION.
>ZANE: Secondary God-Tier? Are you multi-classing?
Oh, well, sort of, but that's not what you meant by secondary god-tiering. You discovered a way to extend the god-tier echeladder by god-tiering multiple times (initially it WAS through different classpects, so you guess, yeah, multiclassing is an apt term), but that was not the case here. You can actually god-tier twice in a single session, by having your DREAM SELF die on your SACRIFICIAL SLAB, which leaves you with a god-tiered DREAM SELF, and an un-godtiered WAKING SELF. After that, you kill yourself on your quest bed, and when your DREAM SELF ascends again, you gain a second echeladder chunk, as well as increased control over your god-tier powers.
>ZANE: Enjoy Play
You and Erin file into the theatre and take your seats. You look off to the side and see one of your fellow SESSION ADMINS, looks like he's here for the play too. Or maybe he was one of the people taking potshots during the scuffle? Who knows. All you know is that it's time to simultaneously enjoy your date and fulfill a timeloop. Multitasking can be fun sometimes.
>{S} ZANE and ERIN: Complete Timeloop.
The play is in the second act, Macbeth has murdered the king and is in the process of eliminating those who could threaten his claim to the throne, everyone is rapt to attention... even those who had previously come here just for the fight... Then, as Macbeth draws his knife to stab the guards, one of them shouts, and everyone turns.
Flashes of yellow light have appeared at the center of the stage, lightning crackling around the edges, and as it begins to consolidate into a more humanoid form, Past Zane appears, wearing his battle armor, he readies a large scepter topped with a small replica of Skaia, and swings it around right as the Rogue Agent appears, quickly whirling around in surprise, blocking the swing with his katana, however the katana takes on a more... streamlined shape with the blow, weakening the internal structure as it shifts to become a straighter blade. "Macbeth" charges at the double first guardian prototyped carapacian, only to be stabbed from behind, at which point a shot rings out from the gallery, the gunshot from another player ringing out as the bullet shatters the Rogue Agent's blade.
The carapacian whirls around, dodging another swing from Past Zane, and another yellow light flashes behind him, and the Vicious Usurper drops in, swinging their blade at him, Zane brings up a dagger, blocking the blow with his off-hand, but slowly backing up as the Rogue Agent darts in... Only for the Vicious Usurper to suddenly have to absorb shots from behind as Erin appears and opens fire with her chainbow. The shots are scattered everywhere into the audience by the carapacian, but the shots are redirected back in, forcing the Rogue Agent to back off from Past Zane as the shots wizz past their scaled, yet strangely equine face. While Past Erin gets into a short teleportation-strife with the Vicious Usurper, Past Zane takes advantage of the fact that the audience is currently barraging the Rogue Agent with attacks to take the opening granted to him by Past Erin, moving in to strike and cutting a large gash in their ring-arm.
The Vicious Usurper ports back to his fellow, grasping his arm, and the two begin to crackle with yellow lightning and fire. This is when Present Zane and Erin stand, Erin makes a short hand gesture and a green light begins to suffuse the room, at which point Present Zane raises a reddish-black stopwatch and everything seems to jump back suddenly. Everyone sits with held breath for the team attack... That never comes. The two carapacians blink as they realize that their attempted team attack completely failed to go off. Past Zane and Erin immediately fall upon them and the entire group of 4 teleports out with flashes of yellow, green and red.
The stage is smoking, with a few small fires having been started around the edges of the theatre by redirected projectiles. The stage-hands quickly cart off the dead bodies of those who were caught in attacks redirected by the Rogue Agent, and one of them applies a fresh coating of EVERYTHING to the right side of the stage, which is little more than scorch marks at this point. The audience takes their seats as the play continues.
>PLAY: complete
Well, that was quite impressive. They handled the sudden death of Macbeth by unexpected carapacian attacked quite well, although you have to admit you're not sure if the shift into dramedy after that point was really the intention of ANY of the Shakespeares that the source material was drawn from. Whatever, it worked, and was quite entertaining.
*Swooshy Energy Sounds*
Posts: 502
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by researcherwisemon on Jul 29, 2016 3:03:05 GMT
>ZANE: Wonder if Macbeth's actor is actually dead or not
(Gosh, those party crashers with their stolen rings. No appreciation for the fine arts at all. :U)