Post by worldsscariesthail on May 3, 2016 21:21:28 GMT
THE END OF VIDEOGAMES??? Begins in 2001, with us being introduced to a NAMELESS GAMER (henceforth known as NG) who is obsessed with slash fiction, and the video game DUNGEON FLOW (which exists just for the purposes of this story). She beats her absurdly high score and is rewarded with a MYSTERY BOX.
Her roommate, LUCY BONEMARRA' (henceforth known as LB) is a goth with a seperate group of GOTH FRIENDS, and the two of them often fight. She is the player on the current playthrough of DUNGEON FLOW.
DUNGEON FLOW is played alongside the main plot, and follows a short girl (ABA) descending into hell, going through all the circles themed after each sin. Does the game affect the real world?
Anyway, the MYSTERY BOX is opened and contains famed designer JOHN ROMERO, who gives NG her prize: a job working for his elite new studio, ION STORM. He converts their flat into a new ION STORM office, pimped out with huge TVs, PCs, and robot servants!
An IMMATURE HACKIST (henceforth known as IH) is trying to stop the game being released, and hates ION STORM, frequently ringing up John Romero with abuse.
LB plays DAIKATANA. It's good. It's VERY good. She accidentally shares it with her GOTH FRIENDS who LEAK it online. But before she can be repremanded- It turns out a murderer inspired by the game is on the loose! The DAIKATANA KILLER (henceforth known as DK) immediately becomes a target of FOX NEWS- who pin the blame on the game. IH is pissed. A lawyer named JACK THOMPSON (henceforth known as JT) shows up to try and get video games banned as a result.
But JT gives the gamers a CHALLENGE- if they can STOP DK, he will not ban video games. This inspires a mad dash, and the formation of a group known as GAMER OPS.
IH kidnaps JR and NG because the game was released, leaving LB in the ION STORM HEADQUARTERS. But it turns out DK is on his way there, to kill John Romero!
LB escapes and everyone meets up again. They then, through a set of contrived circumstances, end up outside, back on the trail of DK. This ends with NG and LB in an abandoned building, going head-to-head against him, in a fight I'm really underselling describing it so vaguely, that ends with LB tricking DK into SHOOTING HIMSELF. How did she do it? Did Daikatana change LB and make her more murderous?
The next morning, JT passes his bill, and GEORGE W. BUSH bans videogames. This causes GAMER OPS to go underground. Ion Storm's office has been trashed, and NG knows that things have changed.
But all is not right in gamer ops. It appears to be compromised by some SHITTY PEOPLE. Despite this, NG rushes to join them.
There, she learns that because of her appearance on FOX NEWS, she is a hugely admired celebrity. She gets a superfan, JEAN (henceforth known as JK) who attaches to her like glue. Also in Gamer Ops, NG meets THE BARON (henceforth known as TB), Her CONSPIRACY THEORIST neighbour (who we met in chapter 1 but still- and who is known as CT) and a bunch of others, including a kid she met on the night she fought DK, a long brown-haired kid called "K2".
After learning the cops are targeting gamers, NG and GAMER OPS are keeping low in the vast underground bunker of another GAMER OPS kingpin, Zaphod (henceforth known as Z) who has a mission for them. It is here, that we come back in...
Original Text of post below horizontal bar for archival reasons:
Hey. Omegaupdate. THIS. Is this COOL? You know. This?
I started an adventure on the old forums and since they've been down for so long, and I have a desire not to waste time waiting for it to come back, I decided to begin "OPERATION MIGRATE". This operation is highly delicate and advanced. It involved moving my backup of the adventure to a TUMBLR, some of the posts of which I lost and had to reconstruct from notes and drafts. You can go there to read all previous updates.
Anyway, with that:
That's right, it's official! We got DROPPED BY THE NETWORK!!! But we're not dead. I've fixed my archive and, well, we're pretty much ready to take off again as soon as you're ready. Originally, I was planning on restarting on May the 31st, just so there was time to get back into the order of things (and because I was giving myself time to rebuild my lost posts), but, well, since they've all been done, I can begin like, right now.
(EDIT 17/01/18: NOTE FOR NEW READERS: ALL IMAGE LINKS ARE BROKEN ON OLD UPDATES, INCLUDING THE TUMBLR HOSTING THE FIRST THREAD. I'm looking for a solution- but for the time being only the latest updates are available. TEOV will continue to update from 26/01/18 (see latest page in this thread) I'm looking for an easy way to rehost the early updates, and slowly working to fix some of the image links in this thread)
(EDIT 26/01/18: "But I want to read it! I want it!!! I want it NOOOOOOOOW!" Oh, okay, well, in that case here's a .zip of the original first thread. I saved the raw HTML as I went along, and I'm glad I did, in hindsight. This is the same backup I worked from when making the new version on the tumblr (now also gone) this is the only way to read it right now, so I may as well make it available. It's 200MB, but TR00 TEOV-HEADS will probably not mind: Link)
THE END OF VIDEOGAMES??? Begins in 2001, with us being introduced to a NAMELESS GAMER (henceforth known as NG) who is obsessed with slash fiction, and the video game DUNGEON FLOW (which exists just for the purposes of this story). She beats her absurdly high score and is rewarded with a MYSTERY BOX.
Her roommate, LUCY BONEMARRA' (henceforth known as LB) is a goth with a seperate group of GOTH FRIENDS, and the two of them often fight. She is the player on the current playthrough of DUNGEON FLOW.
DUNGEON FLOW is played alongside the main plot, and follows a short girl (ABA) descending into hell, going through all the circles themed after each sin. Does the game affect the real world?
Anyway, the MYSTERY BOX is opened and contains famed designer JOHN ROMERO, who gives NG her prize: a job working for his elite new studio, ION STORM. He converts their flat into a new ION STORM office, pimped out with huge TVs, PCs, and robot servants!
An IMMATURE HACKIST (henceforth known as IH) is trying to stop the game being released, and hates ION STORM, frequently ringing up John Romero with abuse.
LB plays DAIKATANA. It's good. It's VERY good. She accidentally shares it with her GOTH FRIENDS who LEAK it online. But before she can be repremanded- It turns out a murderer inspired by the game is on the loose! The DAIKATANA KILLER (henceforth known as DK) immediately becomes a target of FOX NEWS- who pin the blame on the game. IH is pissed. A lawyer named JACK THOMPSON (henceforth known as JT) shows up to try and get video games banned as a result.
But JT gives the gamers a CHALLENGE- if they can STOP DK, he will not ban video games. This inspires a mad dash, and the formation of a group known as GAMER OPS.
IH kidnaps JR and NG because the game was released, leaving LB in the ION STORM HEADQUARTERS. But it turns out DK is on his way there, to kill John Romero!
LB escapes and everyone meets up again. They then, through a set of contrived circumstances, end up outside, back on the trail of DK. This ends with NG and LB in an abandoned building, going head-to-head against him, in a fight I'm really underselling describing it so vaguely, that ends with LB tricking DK into SHOOTING HIMSELF. How did she do it? Did Daikatana change LB and make her more murderous?
The next morning, JT passes his bill, and GEORGE W. BUSH bans videogames. This causes GAMER OPS to go underground. Ion Storm's office has been trashed, and NG knows that things have changed.
But all is not right in gamer ops. It appears to be compromised by some SHITTY PEOPLE. Despite this, NG rushes to join them.
There, she learns that because of her appearance on FOX NEWS, she is a hugely admired celebrity. She gets a superfan, JEAN (henceforth known as JK) who attaches to her like glue. Also in Gamer Ops, NG meets THE BARON (henceforth known as TB), Her CONSPIRACY THEORIST neighbour (who we met in chapter 1 but still- and who is known as CT) and a bunch of others, including a kid she met on the night she fought DK, a long brown-haired kid called "K2".
After learning the cops are targeting gamers, NG and GAMER OPS are keeping low in the vast underground bunker of another GAMER OPS kingpin, Zaphod (henceforth known as Z) who has a mission for them. It is here, that we come back in...
Original Text of post below horizontal bar for archival reasons:
Hey. Omegaupdate. THIS. Is this COOL? You know. This?
I started an adventure on the old forums and since they've been down for so long, and I have a desire not to waste time waiting for it to come back, I decided to begin "OPERATION MIGRATE". This operation is highly delicate and advanced. It involved moving my backup of the adventure to a TUMBLR, some of the posts of which I lost and had to reconstruct from notes and drafts. You can go there to read all previous updates.
Anyway, with that:
That's right, it's official! We got DROPPED BY THE NETWORK!!! But we're not dead. I've fixed my archive and, well, we're pretty much ready to take off again as soon as you're ready. Originally, I was planning on restarting on May the 31st, just so there was time to get back into the order of things (and because I was giving myself time to rebuild my lost posts), but, well, since they've all been done, I can begin like, right now.
(EDIT 17/01/18: NOTE FOR NEW READERS: ALL IMAGE LINKS ARE BROKEN ON OLD UPDATES, INCLUDING THE TUMBLR HOSTING THE FIRST THREAD. I'm looking for a solution- but for the time being only the latest updates are available. TEOV will continue to update from 26/01/18 (see latest page in this thread) I'm looking for an easy way to rehost the early updates, and slowly working to fix some of the image links in this thread)
(EDIT 26/01/18: "But I want to read it! I want it!!! I want it NOOOOOOOOW!" Oh, okay, well, in that case here's a .zip of the original first thread. I saved the raw HTML as I went along, and I'm glad I did, in hindsight. This is the same backup I worked from when making the new version on the tumblr (now also gone) this is the only way to read it right now, so I may as well make it available. It's 200MB, but TR00 TEOV-HEADS will probably not mind: Link)