Gadabout Pipsqueak
Posts: 126
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by NeoTTolemo on Aug 10, 2016 8:09:12 GMT
MacLarren: Talk.
Post by smuchmuch on Aug 10, 2016 11:47:51 GMT
>Mc Larren:: "kid, you remind me of myself when I was your age, full of passion and desire to smite the heretics..." *CRASH* ".. okay maybe not that crazy but it's the spirirt that counts..." >Mc Larren: Walk nonchalantky, calmly block everyone of his punches as you try talking him down. >And if he's still not calmed down wait for himto tire down and then sucker punch him. "Remember that move, kid, it'll serve you well. You better now ?" >Rick: ".. yes sir. Thank you sir. ooow.." >Jones: Eproove a barely concealed satisfaction when Rick get punched
Post by ProfessorLizzard on Aug 10, 2016 14:42:12 GMT
>provide him a durable cultist shaped dummy to vent his anger on
Nipper Cadet
Posts: 75
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Post by Superficial on Aug 10, 2016 22:04:29 GMT
> Just knock him out.
Post by tailortf on Aug 13, 2016 14:23:57 GMT
>Talk to him. Use your reputation.
MacLarren: Alright, I'm gonna go try and calm him down. MacLarren: You just stay here until it's all clear. Jones: Don't need to tell me, dude. MacLarren: It shouldn't come to this, but you wouldn't mind if I punched him, right? MacLarren: Not too hard, just a love tap. Jones: Yeah, sure. Jones: Just not in the face. Jones: He usually passes out if he gets a nosebleed and I don't wanna deal with that. MacLarren: Fair enough. ==>
MacLarren: Stand down, soldier. MacLarren: I admire your fighting spirit, but you're not pointing it in the right direction. MacLarren: In plain words, calm the hell down. ==>
Rick: WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO- Rick: I- wh- holy crap! Rick: I mean, oh my gosh! Rick: You're captain Charles MacLarren! MacLarren: Sure am. Jones: Wait, you know this guy? Rick: Know him? Rick: He's one of the Church's greatest heroes! Rick: One of the fiercest fighters Truth has to offer! Rick: Sir, I have to say, it is SUCH an honor. Rick: It's kinda funny, I actually used to have a huge crush on you back when I was a kid. MacLarren: Really? Usually I hear that more from the ladies. MacLarren: Still, I'm flattered. MacLarren: Now then, your friend told me about our intruder situation and I agree. MacLarren: This must be dealt with immediately. Rick: YES! Finally, someone who actually DOES things! ==>
MacLarren: Okay people, listen up. MacLarren: The intruder alert is real. MacLarren: But no panicking, alright? MacLarren: Everything'll be fine. MacLarren: For now, just put out this fire and start standing guard at the exits. MacLarren: I'm going with these two up to the purplecoats to call this in. ==>
Rick: Sir, thank you so much for selecting us for this mission. Rick: We will not disappoint. MacLarren: Yeah, yeah. MacLarren: Come on, we still have to make a stop over at the armory. Rick: ...armory? How come, sir? MacLarren: Well, I don't see you carrying any weapons. MacLarren: So I figure if you're gonna help me with this alert, I might as well get you a sword or something. Jones: What? No. That's a terrible idea. Jones: Do not give him any weapons. Rick: Wow, really?! Rick: Thank you, sir! MacLarren: Yep. MacLarren: And before that, I have something else to give you. Rick: What? ==>
MacLarren: This. ==>
MacLarren: There. I just gave you a lesson. MacLarren: That lesson being: I don't care how angry you get. MacLarren: I don't care how upset you get. MacLarren: Do not start fights with fellow members of the Church. MacLarren: These people are meant to be like brothers and sisters to you. MacLarren: So you aren't supposed to pick fights. MacLarren: You got that? Rick: *cough* ...yessir... *cough* MacLarren: You gonna thank me for teaching you? Rick: ...thank you sir... MacLarren: Good, then we don't have a problem. MacLarren: Now let's go get you that sword. ==>
Acolyte: Wow, he really did that? Frankie: Yeah, MacLarren tends to go for a little bit of "tough love". Frankie: He'll be nice to you most of the time, but you get out of line, you get punched in the face. Frankie: Anyway, that's not the point. Frankie: I just included it in my story because I thought that guy getting punched was hilarious. Frankie: No, the point is, all this talk of intruder alerts got me worried. Frankie: 'Cause I knew if you guys got caught, you'd rat me out in an instant. Frankie: And then I'd have to spend hours listening to a bunch of people yelling at me about boring things like "safety" and "discretion". Frankie: So I hopped onto the closest elevator up here and, well, you know the rest. ==>
Sister Embers: Hmm, yes. Sister Embers: Quite an amusing aside. Sister Embers: However, let us return to my story. Acolyte: still have a story, Sister Embers? Frankie: Yeah, I kinda figured we heard everything. Sister Embers: Yes, but I still have not told you how I managed to find my way up here. Frankie: Elevators? Frankie: That'd be my guess. Sister Embers: Naturally. Sister Embers: However, I did not tell you which elevators I used exactly. Sister Embers: You see, originally I merely intended to use the elevator nearest to my position at the time to reach the top floor. Sister Embers: However, my tactical genius allowed me to- ==>
Acolyte: ...Gil? Frankie: Hey, sweet entrance, dude. Gil: Oh hey, you guys are here too! Gil: We're all here together now! Gil: Hooray~ ==>
Acolyte: Jeez, you don't look so good. Gil: Don't worry, I heal easily. Acolyte: What happened to you? Gil: Oh man, you will not BELIEVE what happened to me. Sister Embers: Why? Are you going to lie to us? Why would you ever do that? Gil: ...right. Anyway. ==>
Gil: As you recall, while you were sneaking into the Tower, I was distracting the crowd with some of my cutting-edge observational humor about life in the city. Gil: However - and this part you didn't see - the friggin' fun police showed up to ruin my act. ==>
Gil: Okay you guys, I know I've been ragging on the Church a bit, but they're all still doing a great job! Gil: Protecting the innocent from crooks and such. Gil: Like me, the self-proclaimed master thief who's been living here for almost a decade now without the Church doing a single thing about it! Gil: Seriously though, I must compliment the Church on some things at least. Gil: For one, they all have terrific posture, did any of you notice that? Gil: Well, for ages the Church kept its' methods a secret, but recently they actually released a short instructional manual on how to keep proper posture the Truth way. Gil: Step one: find a stick, one preferably at least a couple of feet long. Gil: Step two: Shove it right up your- ==>
Gil: AHH! ==>
MacLarren: Alright, Gil, that's about enough. MacLarren: Your routine got old 5 minutes ago. Gil: Hey, come on, is that any way to treat a local hero? MacLarren: How are you a hero?! Gil: What about that orphanage I paid to have built? MacLarren: You mean the one you covered in advertisements for your stupid "acquisitions agency"? MacLarren: Yeah, maybe where you're from that kinda stuff is seen as "heroic", but not here. Gil: Hey, is that the way those poor orphans will remember it? Truthbearer: Enough. Truthbearer: Gilligan, I really hope you have an explanation for your actions. Truthbearer: You know how I love a good fairy tale.
Your shit is wrecked
Posts: 624
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by randomwriter on Aug 13, 2016 15:43:23 GMT
>What, can't a guy decide to chat on the stage?
>Actually, sure, here's my explanation: I was walking along, when I bumped into two evil magicians, and a scientist. All three planned on breaking into the tower. Naturally, I chose to assist them in their scheme, in exchange for a cut of the profits, and for the pleasure of seeing the Truthbearer lose it.
>Say this as sarcastically as possible.
>Actually, I had a few drinks and figured I might as well go big or go home.
Post by sirblizz98 on Aug 14, 2016 18:35:46 GMT
>Well okay then, a long time ago in a far away land...
Nipper Cadet
Posts: 75
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Post by Superficial on Aug 15, 2016 1:40:15 GMT
> I felt it in my soul Truth-bearer. You can't argue with soul feelings.
Post by smuchmuch on Aug 15, 2016 3:31:12 GMT
Pfhh, I love how Ember's reaction is complelty clueless yet probably oddly complelty right on the money.
>Gil:"I decided to honnor the spirirt of truth in my own way and repent on stage in front of as many people as I could. I have no ulterior motives beyond spreading the good word today" *wrestle your arms and grab the mic* "..The good word that Crazy Joe's grill and inn cooks trully divine Numerarian sauce ribs so good even the Truthbearer herself would smak jer lips in sin ! for a amazing price on 50's street !" (You owe Joe a hunded bucks, that should square you out)
Post by tailortf on Aug 16, 2016 7:59:49 GMT
Gil: Hey, sure, I've got a fairy tale for you. Gil: Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, I didn't have anything to say to you. Gil: The end. Truthbearer: Come on, now. Truthbearer: You are being very disagreeable. Gil: Hey, man, I just felt like doing a little celebration. Gil: Who are you to tell me how to honor the spirit of Truth or the equinox? Gil: Maybe I wanna honor it by telling a few jokes on stage. Gil: Maybe I wanna honor it by betting someone I can drink ten beers before you finish your dumb speech. Truthbearer: Of course. Truthbearer: As I have told you time and time again, alcohol corrupts the mind. Truthbearer: You really must stop partaking if it's causing you this much trouble. Truthbearer: I don't. Gil: Oh, is THAT why you're such a bitch all the time? ==>
Truthbearer: I think I've had enough fun for one day, captain. Truthbearer: I'll be in my quarters. Truthbearer: Give this one a couple hours in confinement for his trouble. Gil: Hey, you can't just silence me by locking me away! Gil: There will be others! Gil: I am the martyr of the new generation! Gil: Incidentally, if anyone wants to visit a great martyr-approved establishment, check out Joe's. Gil: Great food for low low prices! MacLarren: The hell...? Gil: IT'S ON THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND TOWER! Gil: SPREAD THE WORD! MacLarren: Ah, shut up. Gil: You can't keep this up much longer! Gil: The good people of Veriton are sympathetic to my plight! ==>
Hector: Jackass. Ralph: I know, right? ==>
Gil: Alright, MacLarren, no need to get handsy. Gil: I know the way from here. MacLarren: What was all that about Joe's? Gil: Eh, I owe him a bunch of cash. Gil: Figured I might as well try and get some free advertisement in there while all eyes were on me. Gil: Gotta multitask in my business. Gil: Well, my businesses. MacLarren: You think you're real funny, don't you? Gil: Most people seem to agree. MacLarren: With a few notable exceptions. Gil: Man, did you think that was weird too? Gil: I mean, I've pissed her off before, but I don't think she's ever actually hit me before. Gil: You think she's losing it? Gil: I'm sure running the Church must be pretty stressful. MacLarren: Ah, who the hell knows what goes on in that woman's head? MacLarren: Probably just having a bad day or something. Gil: Yeah, maybe. ==>
MacLarren: Mornin', Jay. MacLarren: Look who's first to be arrested for boisterous behavior again. Jay: Somehow I fail to be surprised. Jay: Hey, Gil. Gil: Jay. MacLarren: Listen, I gotta go up to the cafeteria, see how Annie's doing with her briefing. MacLarren: Think you can handle things on your own here? Jay: Please, it's Gil. Jay: He's just a big ol' teddybear. Gil: I would've put it in a less emasculating way, but yeah, I'll play nice. ==>
Jay: Alright, have fun. Jay: How do you keep not getting arrested for good, man? Jay: I've seen you steal so much stuff. Gil: Silver tongue and a light touch, Jay. Gil: That and a terrible justice system. Jay: Well, none of that will help you in here. Jay: Good luck, you're gonna need it. ==>
Gil: Huh. Gil: Well, I didn't expect this. ==>
Gil: Did you guys actually change the carpet? Gil: Crazy. Jay: Yeah, people said they were kinda sick of the baby blue, so we mixed it up a bit. Jay: Anyway, they already brought today's paper in and the crossword is a doozy. Jay: Like I said, good luck to you if you haven't already done it. Gil: Yeah, thanks. Gil: You ever think you guys spend way too much money on your cells? Jay: Don't knock rehabilitation over punishment, man. Jay: The Tower's been standing for over 50 years now and we have had, like, zero recorded escape attempts or prison riots. Jay: Well, except that one time there weren't enough cigars for everyone, of course. Gil: Of course.
Nipper Cadet
Posts: 75
Pronouns: [any]
Post by Superficial on Aug 16, 2016 18:39:24 GMT
> What's under the bed?
Rungjumpin' Ragamuffin
Posts: 287
Post by tronn on Aug 16, 2016 18:50:20 GMT
>Gil: Be bust out by a ragtag group of slightly misguided freedom fighters. >Gil: Resist being liberated, vigorously.
Finally caught up, it's good to read this adventure again! I like your writing and sense of humor, keep up the good job!
Your shit is wrecked
Posts: 624
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by randomwriter on Aug 17, 2016 0:21:07 GMT
>Gil, check for obvious exits.
>Or politely ask to exit.
Post by ProfessorLizzard on Aug 17, 2016 8:58:28 GMT
>Of course, the bookcases are secretly boozecases
Gadabout Pipsqueak
Posts: 126
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by NeoTTolemo on Aug 17, 2016 10:04:07 GMT
> Gil: Steal all the cigars. All of them.
Post by tailortf on Aug 18, 2016 15:39:01 GMT
>Ask politely to exit.
Gil: Yo, Jay, I get that you've got work and all, but I've actually got stuff I need to be doing myself. Gil: So how about doing your ol' pal Gil a solid and sending me on my way? Gil: I won't do anything illegal, swear to whatever god. Gil: Pick which one you'd prefer, I guess. Jay: Sorry man, none of that today. Jay: With the festival and all, there's probably gonna be an inspection. Gil: Oh come on, is an inspection REALLY worth more than your buddy? Gil: You used to be cool, man. Jay: I'm still cool. Jay: And I'll be even cooler if I keep my job. Jay: Now quiet down in there. Gil: Alright, I didn't want to do this, but you've left me no choice. Gil: Remember how two years ago you forgot your keys, but I stayed in my cell for the entire day anyway? Gil: I'm calling in that favor. Jay: Nope, no can do. Gil: Seriously? Not cool, man. Gil: Favors are sacred. Jay: Yeah, and you already called yours in last winter. Gil: Really? I don't remember getting out early last winter. Jay: Nah, that wasn't what you called it in for. Jay: You were really drunk and asked me to get you water and an aspirin. Jay: Could've done it for nothing, too, but you insisted that you wanted to call in the favor. Jay: So I don't owe you anything. Gil: You're real mean, you know that? Jay: Yes. Jay: I also know that it pisses you off, which is hilarious. ==>
Great, looks like Jay decided to be difficult today. Fine, I'll just find my own way out of here. I'm a master escape artist, this should be a cinch. >What's under the bed?
Let's see..spare blankets, board games, extra clothes, teapot and teabags... Seriously? Not even a shank or anything? I am so disappointed in the prison population right now. >Check for obvious exits.
Okay, so... No loose bars on the windows. View's pretty nice, though. ==>
No secrets in the bookcase. Not counting the emergency bourbon I hid in here years ago, of course. ...what? Don't judge me. It's not like anyone's going to miss that copy of "Math and Magic, Volume IV: Exponential Magic Growth" anyway. ==>
I guess the fireplace leads outside, but somehow I doubt I'd be able to climb what looks like 4-5 floors inside of a chimney. Not even with the grappling crossbow. Dammit, I need a smoke. Or a drink. Whatever's closer. ==>
See, that's the problem with making jail cells nicer. People don't feel like escaping them, so they don't leave any attempts behind, thus making my life harder. What a day. >Steal all the cigars. All of them.
Oh, right, thanks for reminding me. At least I'm getting something out of this whole thing. ...heh. I wonder if "a voice in my head told me to steal it" is a valid legal defense. Probably not. I'd just get accused of being a warlock again. >Be bust out by a ragtag group of slightly misguided freedom fighters.
Hey yeah, you're right. That's how this whole thing works, isn't it? Yeah, I know what's gonna happen. When a big heist is going on, there's no way the protagonist would just get left behind in a cell. That'd be a huge anticlimax. Yep, any minute now someone or something is going to give us a way out of here. Just gotta wait. ==>
Yep, any moment. If it's soon, I'll probably have enough time to steal everything they have and then go meet up with those two weirdos. Just hope they didn't screw the whole plan over. ==>
Here we go, right on cue. God bless plot convenience. ==>
Wait. Oh, crap. This is not a rescue party at all. This is that guy that ransacked my office last night. This ain't good. ==>
Yeah, look at this. Guy just jumped down a chimney like it was nothing. We are SO screwed.
Thanks, great to have you reading with us! I'll certainly try to keep up the good work.
The One Guy
Rust Maid
Posts: 1,148
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Post by The One Guy on Aug 18, 2016 15:56:35 GMT
> Well, if he picks a fight with you, there is a guard right outside that you can alert...
Your shit is wrecked
Posts: 624
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by randomwriter on Aug 18, 2016 16:11:05 GMT
>Hi there, guy.
>How are you doing? Care for a cigar?
>Try to get him to embed his weapon in the door. It'll get the guard's attention, and you can flee!
Rungjumpin' Ragamuffin
Posts: 287
Post by tronn on Aug 18, 2016 17:26:32 GMT
>Gil: Ask Jay for help, it is his duty to keep you safe! >Jay: You are tasked with preventing people breaking out not breaking in. Go find your superior to handle this for you.
Nipper Cadet
Posts: 75
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Post by Superficial on Aug 18, 2016 18:07:31 GMT
> Flip that table.
> Grab that fire-poker.
Post by ProfessorLizzard on Aug 19, 2016 10:46:21 GMT
>Offer it some burning cigars
Post by Curris on Aug 19, 2016 21:18:07 GMT
Try to bribe it. It works for 99% of your problems.
Post by smuchmuch on Aug 20, 2016 21:47:31 GMT
>It's starting to dawn you aren't so much a smooth criminal than the church of Truth seems genuinely way to nice for it's own good
>This harlequin looks like it means buisness so uh try to talk but prepare to dodge.
Post by sirblizz98 on Aug 21, 2016 2:11:02 GMT
>Aggressively offer the gentleman a cigar.
Post by tailortf on Aug 22, 2016 16:30:51 GMT
>Try to talk but prepare to dodge.
Gil: Oh, hello again. Gil: Cigar? ==>
OH BOY HERE WE GO SURE AM GLAD I'M DOING THIS AGAIN >Offer the gentleman a cigar.
Gil: Hey, didn't you hear me?! Gil: I asked if you wanted a cigar! Gil: Here, HAVE ONE ON THE HOUSE! ==>
go go go go >Grab that fire poker!
Gil: HA! Gil: YOU LIKE THAT?! Gil: HUH?! Gil: COME ON, JACKASS! >Ask Jay for help.
Jay: Yo, dude, what the hell? Jay: You said you'd be quiet- ==>
Gil: Jeez. Gil: Isn't that a bit much? Jay: You said to do something, man. Jay: I took care of it. ==>
Gil: I mean, I guess, but that's a bit of a leap between "do something" and "chop a limb off". Gil: I'm just saying that it's a good thing you weren't around to "take care" of me a couple of minutes ago downstairs. Jay: Sure, sure. Jay: Criticize the lady who I'm pretty sure just saved your life. Jay: Dick. ==>
Gil: Uh, Jay? Gil: I think we've still got problems. ==>
Jay: Ew.