Post by lilmikee2004 on Jul 22, 2016 9:38:27 GMT
U4G Prompt: (Early Plot Spoilers) A protagonist with intense vertigo. Likes to stay on solid ground. Fear of heights, of travel by plane, even birds, to the point of severe trauma. Gains uncontrollable flight powers. > Frost Phoenix.You are Percy Bellacker and you've just woken up in a Prison. The incoming breeze tells you it's the dead of Winter. What will you do?
Post by heyitskane on Jul 22, 2016 11:05:26 GMT
>Hit self in the snout to establish calmness
The One Guy
Rust Maid
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Post by The One Guy on Jul 22, 2016 14:13:51 GMT
> What's that writing(?) on the wall?
Nipper Cadet
Sinful and Loathing It
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Post by KittenCollector on Jul 22, 2016 14:22:10 GMT
Look out window and admire the view.
Post by SpottedBlades on Jul 22, 2016 16:58:51 GMT
> Try to get out of here
baby gangsta
Posts: 702
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Post by quixoticTokki on Jul 22, 2016 17:06:05 GMT
> Examine journal (?)
Post by tentacleTherapist on Jul 22, 2016 17:27:15 GMT
> Open Crate
Post by Sharkalien on Jul 22, 2016 20:28:52 GMT
>Use toilet
Post by Curris on Jul 22, 2016 21:39:34 GMT
Shout for a guard's attention. Pretend to be ill to go to the medic.
Actually be ill from *chilling winter winds*
Gadabout Pipsqueak
Posts: 126
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Post by NeoTTolemo on Jul 22, 2016 21:42:11 GMT
Remember why you are in prison.
Pesky Urchin
If humans are mostly water, is the earth mostly human?
Posts: 66
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Post by EthicalAndroid on Jul 23, 2016 0:16:19 GMT
>Pull the string, if it is a string.
Post by Arashi500 on Jul 24, 2016 4:35:23 GMT
>Peer out the window, what can you see?
Post by lilmikee2004 on Jul 24, 2016 22:24:32 GMT
> Remember why you are in prison.You don't recall anything leading up to why you'd be here. Judging by this Limiter Cuff on your wrist, you've probably been deemed too dangerous to live in society. > Shout for a guard's attention.Your call echoes across the hall but is answered only by silence. Upon closer inspection, you don't even see any other inmates. > Use Toilet.You are NOT using that! From the scents flowing from it, it's obvious that Bedpan has been used. Not recently, though. > Look out window and admire the view. What can you see?Okay, you can at least surmise that you're still in Vault City. Although you've never been one for nostalgia, the comfort of your hometown would be much preferable to this prison. Hoo-boy, you are high up. A single fall could... You edge away from the window before you have a panic attack. > Hit self in the snout to establish calmness.Okay, you're less tense now at least. Albeit a little concerned for your own Sanity. Was it always this dark in here? > What's that writing(?) on the wall?It's just a drawing and some illegible gobbledygook. It doesn't even look like the author intended for anyone to read this! > Pull the string, if it is a string.You yank a Mandrake Vine off of the wall. You vaguely remember hearing about it having Healing properties and equip it in your Head Slot. > Examine journal (?)The middle page just repeats that phrase again. These ones don't seem to even attempt to mimic coherent language. Otherwise, it seems perfectly blank. > Open Crate.Inside the crate you find a File, a Key, a Doll and a DNA Module. You don't know what's going on here but you're pretty sure the doll is using that file in self defense. > Try to get out of here.Upon closer inspection, there doesn't seem to be a door to your cell. Just a tiny broom closet.
Post by Sharkalien on Jul 24, 2016 22:51:02 GMT
>Use key on broom closet
"I'm a Wizard, Lizard, and about to cast a Blizzard." -My level 109 Argonian mage
Posts: 88
Post by immemorAugur on Jul 24, 2016 23:05:39 GMT
>Read the sign to the left of the closet, right outside your cell
Post by tentacleTherapist on Jul 24, 2016 23:06:58 GMT
>Slip through Bars.
baby gangsta
Posts: 702
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Post by quixoticTokki on Jul 24, 2016 23:28:07 GMT
> What's up with that DNA Module?
Pesky Urchin
If humans are mostly water, is the earth mostly human?
Posts: 66
Pronouns: he/him/his
Post by EthicalAndroid on Jul 25, 2016 1:15:40 GMT
> Use the FILE to take the WINDOW BARS.
Post by Curris on Jul 25, 2016 2:20:40 GMT
Use Key to Unlock Limiter Bracelet from Limited mode to UNLIMITED mode. Revel in phenomenal powers!
Post by Arashi500 on Jul 25, 2016 8:49:33 GMT
>Try to file your way through one of the bars of your cell.
Post by GreatKaiserNui on Jul 26, 2016 0:39:36 GMT
>File out the window, much safer.
Post by SpottedBlades on Jul 26, 2016 12:13:47 GMT
> Cuddle doll to feel safer.
Post by lilmikee2004 on Aug 7, 2016 7:36:31 GMT
Authornote: Sorry for taking so long! I was busy rethinking the plot arc and got a little carried away. > Use Key to Unlock Limiter Bracelet from Limited mode to UNLIMITED mode. Revel in phenomenal powers!Limiter Bracelets are actually just Handcuffs made out of Mutestone, a radioactive mineral that cancels out use of magic and mutation. Sticking the key in one of your inventory slots seems to have unlocked one of your hands, at least. > What's up with that DNA Module?DNA Modules are newfangled inventions designed to alter the user's attributes in some way. This one seems to have an illegal mod in it with instructions written on the back. >Try to file your way through one of the bars of your cell.After whittling away for ten minutes, you can't even notice a dent on the metal. > Slip through Bars.Repeated attempts to go through ends with you squeezing your face together like a derpy pineapple. You actually have a better view of the room from this angle. > Read the sign to the left of the closet, right outside your cell."Cold Room" is written pretty boldly on the door there. The thought of anything colder than what you're feeling now is a little daunting. > Use the File to take the Window Bars. Much safer. You try to take out the entire window but give up after two bars. > Enter Broom Closet.The closet's door seemed to just have a keyhole painted onto it. One can't help but point out the irony in the door being so small when the room is actually bigger than your cell. And much brighter.
Post by SpottedBlades on Aug 7, 2016 10:30:32 GMT
> To get rid of the Limiter bracelet, cut off your own hand and replace it with that doll. That vine you have can heal the wound.
Post by spacedwarfindustries on Aug 7, 2016 10:35:39 GMT
>Do it. Press the button